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Consultation to date

A consultation event was held on Wednesday 18th September 2019.

Our first public consultation event in 2019 was well attended and we are grateful to all residents who provided feedback on the proposals at that time. A series of meetings were also held with local stakeholders, and we will be providing updates to all stakeholders and residents on the updated timetable for the Outline application.

An additional consultation event was held on Thursday 24th February 2022.

We held a second public consultation event in February 2022, to update residents and local stakeholders on the progress of the proposals. The event was again well attended, and a generous amount of feedback was provided.

Additionally, many residents completed feedback forms that were included with the newsletter. We are grateful to all residents who provided feedback on the proposals, which has been taken into account where possible.

You can download the latest exhibition materials, newsletter and feedback form below:
