Darwin Green is a brand-new community currently being constructed in North West Cambridge. The development is being brought forward in several phases with the first phase known as DG1 which received planning permission for 1,593 new homes in 2013. Part of the site is already under construction with Reserved Matters applications waiting to be determined by South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council – BDW2, BDW3 and BDW4.
This website also features details on the Outline application for the wider site – Phases 2 and 3. The Outline application has now been submitted to South Cambridgeshire District Council for determination.
We want to thank residents for their comments which have been taken into account to help evolve the proposals wherever possible.
We need your support
A planning application has been submitted for Darwin Green, Phases 2 & 3 for new homes, a country park, secondary school and land reserved for a primary school. In order for the scheme to deliver affordable housing, new community facilities, green open spaces, infrastructure improvements and a new secondary and primary school – we need your help to make this happen!